My Plasma Hair Restoration Journey: Review, Results, and Worth

Sharing my plasma hair restoration journey and honest experience.

Over the past few months, I've gone on a transformative journey with Ever/Body in New York City, diving into the world of plasma hair restoration. This treatment uses my own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to foster hair growth, a process I've been sharing through my Instagram.

My Experience with Plasma Hair Restoration

The magic of plasma hair restoration lies in its science — a process that starts with drawing a small amount of my blood. This blood undergoes a special process to concentrate the platelets, resulting in the creation of PRP, a substance celebrated for its cell growth promotion capabilities.

What follows is a meticulous procedure where this concentrated plasma is injected into my scalp, targeting the thinning areas. The growth factors from the platelets spring into action, stimulating the hair follicles and not only encouraging the growth of new hair but also fortifying the existing strands. It's a testament to the body's natural ability to regenerate, providing a safe and efficient avenue for addressing hair thinning and loss.

A personalized approach is what sets Plasma Hair Restoration apart. My treatment was tailored to fit my unique pattern of hair thinning, involving three specific treatment sessions and the integration of minoxidil drops to enhance the results.

For anyone curious about this procedure, Plasma Hair Restoration at Ever/Body provides a comprehensive look into its effectiveness and safety protocols.

Does Plasma Hair Restoration Hurt?

It's a mix of sensations — akin to repeated pinching. While not the most comfortable experience, it's definitely bearable. I noticed my sensitivity varied with the timing of the treatment, particularly during my second session during (TMI) my menstrual cycle. According to my Nurse Practitioner at Ever/Body, this is generally common for anyone who experiences increased sensitivity during their period.

Preparing for the Treatment

Preparation is KEY. My journey began with a detailed consultation at Ever/Body, guided by skilled Nurse Practitioners who set tailored goals for me. To ensure the best outcome, I followed pre-treatment advice closely, such as avoiding certain medications and staying hydrated, alongside mental preparation to set realistic expectations.

Navigating Post-Treatment

Post-treatment care was straightforward, including:

  • Not washing my hair for 6 hours following the treatment.

  • Avoiding hair products like dyes and gels for two weeks.

  • Staying out of direct sunlight until fully healed and wearing protective headgear outdoors for the first 48 hours.

  • Avoiding laying down for 4 hours post-treatment to minimize swelling.

Does Plasma Hair Restoration Regrow Hair?

The journey has been long, with the first signs of baby hairs appearing a few months in. It's a marathon, not a sprint, toward seeing the full benefits, which are expected to be around the six-month mark.

Anticipating the Full Transformation

Witnessing the gradual increase in hair density and thickness has been exhilarating. It's ideal to note that results can vary, influenced by factors such as hair loss patterns and overall health.

Developing a Long-Term Plan

The treatment frequency is tailored to individual needs, often involving a series of sessions for optimal results, followed by maintenance treatments to sustain the effects.

For anyone looking to embark on this journey, I recommend exploring the Treatment Frequency at Ever/Body for a customized treatment plan. You can also use code JESSICA20 for 20% off your first treatment at Ever/Body.

A huge thanks to the Ever/Body team for partnering with me on this transformative hair journey! Tap the videos below to see more of my experience.